TREE Group of Companies

Building Dreams!

With an international experience of more than 30 years in the field of innovative tourism and entertainment real estate as well as commercial and special real estate all over the world, TREE has set up the best possible structure to realize your project.


The activities include research and consulting, all concept and concept-design-phases, planning, architecture, feasibility studies, financial structuring, full project development, in case general contracting, pre-opening, operation / center-management and in some cases co-investment. TREE became famous in the market with breathtaking design and better concepts. In between full development, operation and financial structuring worldwide supported by one of the worlds Big Four Consulting Groups – completes the TREE – stand alone position, at the best in Europe.


We are working on small scale and large scale projects all over the world delivering professional input for all different phases. With our system we are able to start projects from scratch as well as re-structure existing ones.


From land owners to investors to governments or clients with an innovative idea, TREE will deliver the the right solution to realize the projects.

For more information about TREE and the TREE offices around the world, please contact us under

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